Monday, February 22, 2010

It isn't difficult, you simply dance it.

- Daddy, I invented a poem.
- What is it called?
- The sun and I - Then almost at once she recited: 'The chickens in the yard have gobbled two worms but I didn't see them.'
- Really? What do you and the sun have to do with the poetry?
She looked at him for an instant. He had not understood...
- The sun is above my worms, Daddy, and I wrote my poem and didn't see the worms... - Pause. - I can make up another poem this very minute: 'Oh sun, come and play with me.' Here's a longer one:
'I saw a tiny cloud,
poor little worm,
I don't think she saw it.'
- Those are pretty verses, my little one, very pretty. How does one compose such a charming poem?
- It isn't difficult, you simply say it out loud.

from "Near to the wild heart" by Clarice Lispector. (it was just on my night stand today).

Drawings by Juliana Capibaribe. :-)

1 comment:

Ana Cris said...

e, cute, cute.

I liked the illustrations :) - visitor maps